(free Verse) Awful Lonely Here Folks Poem by WES Vogler

(free Verse) Awful Lonely Here Folks

(free verse) Awful Lonely Here Folks

My support on poemhunter is next to nilI will take a month off and maybe start again in FEB 2019For those few who will miss me.. sorrythere is not enough to make it worth the effort.My other site Allpoetry I will continue as usual.

Wes Vogler Old DadBabbling Books DEC 26 2018

(free Verse) Awful Lonely Here Folks
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: loneliness,people,sad,goodbye
Bri Edwards 29 January 2019

(cont.) 2 - i have enjoyed some of your poems and a few times gone out of my way to look at one, i think because you have indicated before your disappointment here. i don't recall you commenting on any of mine; maybe you have. and i don't recall you ever responding to my communications. but, maybe you did..on one of your poem pages, which does me no good as i rarely go back to look for a response. bri (:

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Bri Edwards 29 January 2019

1 - loneliness is sometimes in part due to how well one reaches out to others. you've left before & returned. hopefully you continue to find AllPoetry fulfilling...if it is. (cont.)

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Kim Barney 30 December 2018

I feel your pain. Very few people are reading my stuff, either. I'm about ready to give up this site altogether.

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wes vogler 30 December 2018

Compliments of the season lad I am fighting a sciatic flare up which would have curtailed my activity anyway.. Hopefully it is of short duration stay healthy

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Mahtab Bangalee 26 December 2018

live long live long live long o' love of pen, paper and poetry Stay good wherever you are

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WES Vogler

WES Vogler

Vancouver BC Canada
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