*...Freedom For Palestine! ...* Poem by Marria Attar

*...Freedom For Palestine! ...*

Rating: 3.6

My country, my people, my land
Oh do I wish to be with my people hand in hand
With all wars abolished and all pain gone
With death and pain vanished that has been accepted for very long
Oh do I hope for my country’s independence and self-rule
Oh do I wish to destroy my enemies that have been and are still cruel
With all this evil destroyed and finally stopped
Then no more dreadful missiles could be dropped
Where finally a child can sleep silently in his bed
Not worrying about the next day if he’ll be dead
Where children are happy and finally sense the feeling of fun
Where a father could finally live in peace with his son
Yes, it’s my country Palestine
A country that will always stay mine
Oh do I wish the world could just for once say no and mean it
Oh do I wish the people in this universe could just admit
That what’s going on in Palestine is totally wrong
Then the war that’s still happening would’ve not stayed for so long
I don’t see the reason on why an innocent child deserves to die
I don’t see why a mother should look at her dead children and cry
We are all people...Our differences doesn’t matter anymore
Freedom and peace is what we all should be looking for
May the Palestinian pain and misery just fade away
That’s all I pray for every single day.

Yasser Koor 11 January 2009

it isn't your country it is our country si i give u my hand to free this land.. no more blood no more shooting head no more mothers weep no more children dead we have the faith so we have to pray STOP, , is it hard word to say?

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Sebastine Humaemo 07 January 2009

' I don’t see the reason on why an innocent child deserves to die I don’t see why a mother should look at her dead children and cry '... lines too strong making one feel, the real pain in your lines.....prayers always to stop innocnt being killed..........sebastine....

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Aboda Awed 30 September 2009

LOVE this poem. touchs my feeling..where realy we r looking 4 feedom & justice..keep express 4 freedom & strongly feelings uhave.. iwish be yr friend here , im new member lol! Thz u ..

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Rand El-khalaf 31 March 2009

I LOVE this poem! You express yourself impressively well. Not only do you you do that, but you also express the deep emotions of others, just like myself...and this is what makes a great poet! Sister, I also wish to be with my people hand in hand, and inshallah, this will be the case. Very soon. But like we say: patience is the key to: LIBERTY. Rand,

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Mimi Fakhira 24 March 2009

Beautiful poem. A well expressed love for your country. I'm only 13 and I'm from Malaysia, but I'm also a Muslimah. I'm really sad for what happened there. My country tried all we can to help but it was really hard. Please check on my poem, Palestine. Salam, MIMI

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Hazem Al Jaber 04 February 2009

its so beautiful full of power meaning dear sweet poet.. thank you for sharing.. hazem al..

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