Freedom, Justice and Equality
sat down to discuss their differences
as to who in the final differentiation
was best for the Citizens.
Equality spoke stating 'Every human being
is to be seen as equal.
Classes, Kings, and Robber Barons
have mounted historically over-weening excesses.
From them sprung oppression, slavery,
disease and poverty
other multiple negatives
in the sad human panoply.
Society rebelled against them
all hoisting my banner
which reads:
'What We Need is Equality'
All agreed this was so
for a time
with Justice finally noting
'Well Equality all you say is true
but also mark
how easy it is to confuse Economic Opportunity
with Political Equality.
Some systems have one
but surely not the other.
These two, of course, are not the same;
in fact you Equality are perfectly
compatible with Perfect Slavery.
All you have to is treat
all the slaves the same!
'Besides' Justice said 'Economic Opportunity
merely addresses the beginning of the race.
What of the middle and the end;
is Perfect Inequality tolerated there
as millions sink into poverty? '
'No' Justice sighed, 'Equality you are a good plank
but you do not over-arc and don't really solve
important problems.
I, Justice, am needed to balance all the ills
you're not able to address.'
Justice shifted slightly in her dark robes
and spoke of that need to protect Citizens
utilizing legal and governing rules.
'Rule by law
not women or men is better
grafted to all systems:
Balancing and adjusting many of the
the ills Undemocracy brings.'
'Justice is centerpiece
where all the values of the citizens
are sifted and set aright-
enforcements of the Covenants.
It is I,
through which
all society is possible.'
Freedom spoke slowly
gathering verbal momentum:
'Justice you are mystical
but in the end precisely note that
laws are made by men and women
and is therefore rule by Judges.
This does not seem to me
to be much better than rule by Kings.'
'No mere Justice
does not work for me.
Clearly the object we all seek,
is Freedom- Me.
Justice merely refers to
misdeeds but not the essence
of what we seek.
That would be me Freedom.
For here is where all potential is protected,
the Cauldron of the Probabilities.
Freedom is what we fight for,
you, Justice, we merely sue for-
if we have the money
to pay your attorneys! '
Equality smiled wryly at Freedom's joke saying
'but you Freedom have many aliases
many definitions labeled;
which Freedom are you today:
Freedom From
or Freedom to
Free speech
or the Freedom of the Road
or merely Freedom From All Rules?
And I would note you proclaim
Liberty For All
while tolerating
Tyranny while at Work.
You Americans define Freedom
as Freedom for Yourself
what of Freedom for Others,
in fact, the Freedom of the World.
You fall silent there.'
Outside a crowd gathered,
Justice leaned to part the curtains,
describing the outside scene.
There was Ethics and Morality,
God and Divinity
the usual crowd all clamoring
to be heard
or to gain entry.
Freedom said
'they have right to their say.'
Equality mused 'they all make equal claims.'
Justice said 'if given the chance
like vigilante villagers
they'll be pounding closed-fisted
at every citizens door.'
They all agreed
and sipped their tea
until at the appointed hour
when key in lock
admitted the rightful owner of the house.
Citizens Us
was framed in the doorway Portal
with her constant companion Social Covenant;
They entered
with Citizen saying
'You get all three of you
if you chose Citizen Community
because there you get all of you
plus me.
A brilliant poem, Equality, Freedom and Justice well explained. You Americans define Freedom as Freedom for Yourself what of Freedom for Others, in fact, the Freedom of the World. You fall silent there.' A point to ponder.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Piece of great elegance, well articulated poem insightfully penned with conviction. A lovely poem indeed. Thanks for sharing. Please read my poem MANDELA - THE IMMORTAL ICON
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