From Beyond The Grave... Poem by Shaun Cronick

From Beyond The Grave...

Rating: 5.0

When day is done,
And shadows fall.
Then winter's night,
Does coldly call...

A former lover,
Haunts your mind.
Dead and buried,
His fate unkind.

By your hands,
The deed done.
Six bullets fired,
From that gun.

A crime of passion,
You did conceal.
He's buried deep,
No big deal.

This remote place,
Where you dwell.
Witness to murder,
Dreams never retell.

As blissful sleep,
Comes to you.
Then awoken loudly,
By something new.

Your dead lover,
Stands over your bed.
Six bullet holes,
In his skeletal head.

You try to scream,
Hands at your throat.
His rotten face,
Now so does gloat.

From beyond the grave.
Returns death's castaway.
His cold retribution,
Is the price you pay.

Thursday, June 25, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: ghost,ghostly,horror,murder,revenge
Shaun Cronick 01 July 2020

Thomas any praise from a gifted horror writer as you is more valuable than gold. Thank you and take care.

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Shaun Cronick 01 July 2020

Thank you good sir for your kind comments. And I'm glad you were compelled. Take care.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 25 June 2020

The title of this poem compelled me to read this wonderful poem a few times! Brilliant depiction of horror... scintillating poetic expression....Liked it.10/10

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Shaun Cronick 25 June 2020

I'm forever trying to write a horror poem with just three words in every line of verse. Which I find is impossible to do so. I'm simply not that good.

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