From Podiums To Pulpits Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

From Podiums To Pulpits

Rating: 3.5

From podiums to pulpits.
Eventually diseasing everywhere to teach.

Anyone raised from birth to display,
Bigoted and racist ways.
Will seldom identify to realize,
This mindset is a result...
From a wickedness upon others to inflict.
Someone like this,
Has lived a life restricted to limits.
To grow with thoughts to declare,
In heated fire and brimstone speeches delivered.
From podiums and pulpits sermonized everywhere.
With an attention to them given.

These are not the folks,
Who will soon acknowledge...
It is hatred they provoke.
Or division to spread.
They are only aware of the attention craved.
These are not the folks,
To accept what they intend.
Life to live for them,
Has never been taken seriously.
Since their wants and needs to have pleased,
Had never been through sacrifice.
Or experiencing injustices.
While suffering disparities.
And used as if fools to tease.
Anyone raised to be bigoted or racist.
Will remain to stay that way.
And can not accept what they do to be done,
Is directly attributed...
To words they say.
Out of their mouths to hear,
And heard.
By followers supporting,
To allow.
Convinced and listening to perceive,
They too have been victimized.
And from podiums to pulpits.
To then reach the streets.
A portrayal of evil,
They create with it wished.
Until such deceptions are realized to believe.
Can not accept, suspect or expect...
Themselves breeders.
Feeding and feasting upon their own evils.
Seeking threats to protect themselves,
From each other.

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