From Son To Father Poem by Ace Of Black Hearts

From Son To Father

Another past is gone.
Another breaking dawn.
Lifted even higher.
With all my heart I desire.
Inspired by generosity of a newly founded friend.
I know I will have him till the very end.
A person in which I can always depend.
Upon throwing my coins in the well I couldn't wish for anything better.
Accommodations in this letter are to you.
You have been like the father I've never had.
It is kinda sad.
Never before have I ever had a teacher teach me.
Not in this way.
Living my life with no guidance.
And now I have that mentor.
With the lords grace I embrace in everything I've been given with the utmost joy and happiness.
So much so, that the tears flow down my cheek.
Emphysema will take your life eventually.
And the thoughts of this bring so much sadness.
But in all matters of life and death we are still powerless.
So I won't live upon the doom and gloom.
For it won't make it any easier.
Make the most of what we got left.
Doing the best I can with the hand I have been given.
For life is not always not so forgiving.
So from son to father know this I will always love you.
Even when death divides us apart.
You gave me my fresh start.
You opened up opportunities I never before had.
Building a business from the ground up.
Making a home in a place so unknown.
It can be so scary.
But you gave me the courage to be my own man.
You showed me where I should take a stand.
And with survival as my knife I will cut right across the pages of this life.
I will be right here as long as I can stay.
Settled down upon this earth's ground.
A heart so lost always can be found.
Sometimes all one has to do is look around.
A passage to pursue dreams, goals, and high hopes.
It has invoked as if an incantation to be sung.
And it's magical powers have spread like a wild fire.
No stopping it now.
Just look upon those stars and be proud.
You helped write them.
Made them as they are.
No longer is it too far.
The distance was all in the mind.
As if the abilities were locked away and confined.
The turbulent seas of the divide.
I have set sail in a course I can only hope to prevail.
A prayer goes out please lord in this let me not fail.

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