It's been month since the last time I saw your face.
I had seen so many desert’s and sandstorms
So many moons and sunsets
So many days passed by….
I miss the draft of your face.
My empathy longed for you
As the grass longed for the rain.
Wondering, what have you been doing now?
I hope you still remember
The way I talk to you back then.
There are so lots of things
That I can't forget about you.
The means of your smile
In the outstanding light of day,
The way you enchanted with your persona …
The way you speak,
Those so precious and very charming words …
The way you bestow your comfort thru presence
Just to make feel better and better,
The way you shown your care, love and affection
From this I must say...
I will always love the whole thing about you.
I wish I could be there where you are right now.
Just to hold you and tell
The very surreptitious that my soul kept inside up to now
- that your always here in my heart and you will stay here forever.
This is my function in life...
To love you and give all the very best for you,
To serve you the best way I can.
When ever I express my feelings,
I always feel you here inside of me.
I promise to love you forever.
Thank you for lighting my life.
Ana behibak sweeeeeeeet! I love it, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Stay happy....- Luzvie
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Rommel, you pour your heart out on to this page with passion and sweet sincerity. I hope the lady in question gives you even half the devotion you share in this beautiful poem. Mahal kita (hope I got this right) Allie ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥