Having you in my life,
Even thou for a short time,
You brought me happiness
That a lifetime could not bring.
We once we’re afraid to be reject
After all of the times that we had
Been loved and left before.
Our thought this would be the same,
I am writing to let you know how I feel
I cannot describe my intense affection and emotion
Therefore, I am going to put my feelings in words.
Since the first day, I met you.
It might be all the things
I see in all of your heart,
The things that everyone will notices
That I admires in all of you,
If I haven't say –
I am so lucky to meet you all here in POEMHUNTER.
I will always adore and respect you all for the rest of my life.
All of you are wonderful person,
You are all by far a wonderful Women.
I always see how all of you humbled yourself
Into something even more precious and beautiful
With all of your words, every lines and stanza
I miss the poets love and affection.
I miss there poems sincere emotion.
I miss not having them in my life,
Even when everyday they are.
How can I tell you what I'm feeling when sometimes,
I don't even understand your pain.
I wish things were perfectly wonderful for you,
But you’re going to have to work at it to make them that way.
I resolve to write her up
A thousand words a day
And ask her if she'll want me
In some old fashioned way
For me, without you,
There really is no point to move on.
If you do love me,
Please look at me with those attractive eyes,
What damage me the most?
Is the day that should have been,
one of the biggest in our lives;
The day, you and I supposed to build a dream.
As I would remember the time
When I asked the Lord before we've met,
To give me someone that I could love with all my heart
And would love me in return,
Inside of me, there is always a place for you
All my sweetest thoughts reside,
Where my uppermost hopes are kept alive,
Where my sincere feelings are felt
Dream Maker; make my dreams come true.
As I close my eyes,
Please hold me tight, all night?
Just be here by my side,
My unspoken attraction is enough to fill up volumes.
How can I get closer to you?
I am too shy to talk to,
In this moment, It’s feel safer to watch you
There are so many words I want to say;
but can't seem to express-
like some word coming from my heart,
but always remain in a hidden part.
It's the end of the week
And I was thinking about you
I want you to know how much I sincerely love you
The little times we've spent in each other
I always want to remember
The places we used to be
And all the things that remind me of you
I could still recall
Dear god,
Most of our life we always desire,
a perfect situation,
When I first met you,
My heart was beating so fast.
Each and every day,
I yearn for you,
I always base my life in this song, so simple but so strong... Time in a Bottle If I could save time in a bottle The first thing that I’d like to do Is to save every day Till eternity passes away Just to spend them with you If I could make days last forever If words could make wishes come true I’d save every day like a treasure and then, Again, I would spend them with you But there never seems to be enough time To do the things you want to do Once you find them I’ve looked around enough to know That you’re the one I want to go Through time with If I had a box just for wishes And dreams that had never come true The box would be empty Except for the memory Of how they were answered by you But there never seems to be enough time To do the things you want to do Once you find them I’ve looked around enough to know That you’re the one I want to go Through time with)
Lola (Grand Mother)
Having you in my life,
Even thou for a short time,
You brought me happiness
That a lifetime could not bring.
You have touched my life so deeply
In your own expressive way
That you helped me go on
Moreover, come into my own person more.
On certain days,
You even made things okay
When I would be at my lowest
In heart, and through the bind of love,
You will always be my LOLA
For my love to you bounded
As that of grand children, love her grand mother.
I will miss your sweet caress
I will miss your good night kisses
I will miss your warm embrace,
And in the mornings when I awake,
At least I can find your eyes in the blue sky.
You will always be my LOLA for the rest my life.
hello i like your poems they are very good!