Gandhi Jayanthi - Mahatma Gandhi - Miracle Of Freedom Poem by Bernedita Rosinha Pinto

Gandhi Jayanthi - Mahatma Gandhi - Miracle Of Freedom

Saints are declared for their holiness
and for the miracles they do
when they die and go;
but Gandhi did just one miracle
common to every Indian
while he was alive
and walking on this earth,
he procured freedom for his countrymen
without a war, without any applause.
Ours was a nation bigger than an ocean
with so many people, so many religions
so many languages, so many cultures
yet no civil wars we ever fought,
no separate schools we built
our children sat in the same classrooms
whether rich or poor, whether Hindu or Muslim.
And though many colonists had exploited
the corners of our country and left,
and though so many injustices
our ancestors had borne,
those days of history become so unmentionable
though in our minds we cherish
as they induce memories
of their sacrfices and afflictions;
yet under the guidance of one man called Gandhi
our nation pulled thro' those struggles
and secured freedom on that dawn
when our nation woke up
to find it's independence finally.
Today our national flag with pride unfurls
to fly high in every city, every village;
without an inch of hatred or yard of dismay
as every Indian rejoices that our unity,
our diversity, our brotherhood, our progress,
parallel to each other's life moves
with respect and grace
all because of a man called Gandhi
who made that miracle
of delivering that most-needed freedom
to our nation, our country India.

Sunday, October 2, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: great leaders
Happy Gandhi Jayanthi!
Mahatma Gandhi- Born to Lead! Be thankful to him.
As in those days, when those rulers who had colonized our country, they were powerful and mighty; and it was only the patience and diplomacy of Gandhi that worked the miracle of getting freedom for our country. Let us be proud of him.
Madhabi Banerjee 02 October 2016

appropriate dedication to the Mahatma-the miracle man, the towering personality

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