Get Back To School! . Poem by DM W

Get Back To School! .

Rating: 5.0

O those incompetent fools,
Want all the kids back in school,
As quickly as possible! ! !
Surely that's impossible
Given the current pandemic? !
Politicians make me sick;
Here in the U.K at least.
They seem to lie and deceive,
In an effortless manner.
Note those blue Tory banners!
Obsessed with the economy,
They rather conveniently
Neglect human misery;
A mirror of bleak history.
Big business is their main thing,
Not the lot of us groundlings;
Who merely have to spectate
While those ' noble' ones dictate.
Throw scientific expertise
To the wolves if it pleases
You. But don't expect us to vote
You in obnoxious toads!
That's why I don't have to think twice,
When I state that they're as cold as ice.
Some of them are two bit actors,
Like our pompous Prime Minister.
Who's akin to a crazed clown;
Performing circus tricks. And how
They all like to drone on and on
About nothing in particular.
They avoid the burning questions.
Indeed, they're quite ridiculous.
Safety should come first.
Yet I fear the worst.

Get Back To School! .
Friday, May 22, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: political humor
Shaun Cronick 22 May 2020

Great political humour and great picture Dominic! But political satire sadly pebble dashed with the truth. Their current attitude harks back and wouldn't go amiss in Thatcher's junta years. An instant 10++ but I wish it was more. Take care Dominic and thanks for brightening up my late evening.

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Dominic Windram 23 May 2020

Thanks Shaun. I completely agree with you about the wicked witch: Maggie Thatcher...contrary to many of my peers who sold out and continue to do so. Actually my heroes are the South Wales miners...definitely made of strong stuff!

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