Give Them My Regards Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Give Them My Regards

Why is it people pretend innocence,
When someone stops and refuses...
To again associate with them?
Something has happened.
And they know exactly what it is.

Something inappropriate was either said or done.
Perhaps a lie was told and no one wants to own it.
Today deceit is easy to squeeze into a picture.
And those claiming not to know,
Are the planters of misdeeds.
And behind the making of the frame.

Why is it that the ones who have moved on,
Seem unaffected by intentions towards them directed?
And continue living their lives without benefit of disguises.
Yet often depicted to be the culprits who lie.
Although gossipers depend on hearsay and no evidence.

Why is this?
Especially when the ones depicted to be wicked,
Are given opportunities to defend themselves...
But don't.
Or wont without a 'why' to leave to have interpreted.

How are you?
I haven't seen you around in quite sometime.
Where have you been and doing with your time? '


'People have been talking about you.
And wonder how you are doing.'

~Oh yeah?
Is that so?
I can imagine.
Give them my regards.~

'Aren't you the least bit curious?
Aren't you interested in what it is they say?
Don't you want to give to me a message to deliver? '

~Not at all.
Not even remotely.
But give them my regards at your next conference.~

'What would you like me to say when we meet? '

~Make it up. Create it. You are good at that.
Take the opportunity.
I am sure they will appreciate your abilities.
And the ones you mention have my telephone number,
AND address if they await to hear something from me...
They suspect I should confess.
Give them my regards.~

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