Global Warming And Revenge Of The Water Poem by Chan Mongol

Global Warming And Revenge Of The Water

Rating: 5.0

Poem by Chan Mongol
19th of April 2011

Too much abuses with the heavyweight power
We are putting weight machines, buildings on her.
Vehicles, cars with billions of horse powers
High rise buildings and all multi storied towers.

Too many countries with so many populations
All are increasing high speed, alarming situations.
Even, in third world countries, homeless is water
We filled up all swamps and rivers to live better.

Water knows own chemistry how to be drained
Towards the mother oceans and thus complained.
Oceans said, come children and resettle here
And from now on, you do not have any more fear.

Listen kids, we gave life to human generations
Only one fourth for earth and rest for us, Oceans.
Homes and even their bodies belong to our children
Therefore, watch our revenge and power against men.

Rules of Nature meant to respect own territories
Everywhere, humans made destructive industries.
To continue free rides for mankind, nobody tolerates;
They are greedy, aggressors, harmful, hypocrites.

Enough is enough and no more good guy
This time, humans are going to lose and die.
We will catch them and drain out their blood
Boosting volcano, tsunami, earthquake and flood.

Tension is generating by their imbalance population
Humans don't realize that we are in them to take action.
What kind of education they get and increase own power
Why cutting trees, slaughtering animals and giving them torture?

We are everywhere in different forms and powers to do good
But the uncontrolled population of mankind behave very rude.
They will be finished if they don't redo own fraud education
They don't have to fight against nature and bring unborn to born!

Leah Ross 17 April 2016

very nice o so true we need to stop stop it now

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Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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