Good Ideas Only Improve Quality Of Life! Poem by Ramesh T A

Good Ideas Only Improve Quality Of Life!

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If one year ends, another year begins and days go on in our thoughts, talks and deeds;
Likewise so many years we have lived on this Earth sans bothering about Nature;
If we don't rectify the mess we have created, our youngsters suffer for the consequences;
We have to live well making this world a better place to live to our followers sure!

We should solve the problems we have created to make world a better place again;
Wars we have developed with sophisticated weapons that have endangered it ever;
Might was right in the past as in forest, but we are yet to make right is might;
We should fight with new ideas and best knowledge to bring peace to world!

Knowledge only brings quality life to all to live a life of paradise in the world ever;
Unity, love, friendship, creativity and inventiveness only make all live in joy forever;
The creations out of such a zeal of heart, mind and soul only make beauty a joy ever;
That is the way we can live in harmony with Nature to live heavenly life sure!

With new ideas and creations only we can improve the quality of world life ever;
Life without pain is what all love for in this world and that we can do by good mind only!

Ramesh T A 28 December 2022

With new ideas and creations only we can improve the quality of world life ever; Life without pain is what all love for in this world and that we can do by good mind only!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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