Haikus On Brightness Poem by Obinna Kenechukwu Eruchie

Haikus On Brightness

Rating: 5.0

i When the rose is love,
It is as fresh as the dawn,
Warm as the summer.

ii Excitement brewing,
For the garden lived to dance
With joy in its soul.

iii Humour to the heart
As the light is exciting
To keep it jumping.

iv So dreamy forever
To drive all plants enjoying,
When the young sun laughs.

v How hope and faith join
Together, so that they have
All it takes to live.

vi Diamonds delight,
When they shine with all their might
To dress the view bright.

vii It came from the earth,
Life as it is ever known,
Out of its cradle.

viii Colours purified,
Merging together as one
To settle in peace.

ix By being alive,
Reality wants to stay
Right to be in bliss.

x Elation is high,
For the sky is suitable
With utmost glory.

xi Of great wonder seen
In those blue eyes, is tender
Innocence that thrills.

xii What a special sparkle?
Those eyes have flashes in them,
Lit with the diamonds.


This is Haiku at its best Obinna. What a wonderful theme Brightness makes. Everything to make the world a better place - happiness...faith...peace....bliss and those eyes, they did it for me! 10 love Karin

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