Halloween Quartet No 2 The Devils Specs Poem by David Harris

Halloween Quartet No 2 The Devils Specs

Rating: 5.0

He picked up the glasses
from where they lay
and put them on
and as he looked around
his face paled with his shock.
Everything was desolate and dead.
Building stood black scorched beyond repair,
everything felt cold and dank
as if he were in a city of the dead.
The grass beneath his feet
was withered and brown.
Skeletal trees stood blackened
as if by some great fire.
The sights he saw frightened him.
He made a move to run
and tripped over a rotting corpse.
As he fell, the glasses
were tossed upon the ground.
As he rose his eyes widened,
everything was green again
and the glass were no were to be found.
Was this a vision of his future he had seen?
Only tomorrows knows.

31 October 2009

Alison Cassidy 31 October 2009

What an intriguing write... you give the reader just enough to whet the appetite and leave him/her wishing there were just a spoonful more. Clever poem. Love, Allie ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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Patti Masterman 31 October 2009

The language you used was just fantastic. You could do this for a living you know, lol.(smile)

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Carol Gall 31 October 2009

eerie but love it really good poem david 10

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Sandra Martyres 31 October 2009

That was scary indeed...another great narrative David..You have mastered the Art of writing Halloween related poems...you capture the reader's imagination wonderfully well..10

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David Harris

David Harris

Bradfield, England
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