Handicaps And People With Disabilities - Assist Them And Liberate Them Poem by Bernedita Rosinha Pinto

Handicaps And People With Disabilities - Assist Them And Liberate Them

Assist them with love and tender loving care
assist them with humanity and solidarity as their share;
assist them with wheel chairs and artificial limbs
assist them with hearing aids and many other gifts;
assist them with kindness and encouragement
assist them with concern and commitment;

assist them with their resilience and nourishment
assist them with their own choices of rest and relaxation;
assist them with their own situations and circumstances
assist them with their own flexibility and adaptability;
assist them with their own preferences and adjustments
assist them with their own moments of joys and afflictions;

assist them not with impositions of jobs as their livelihood,
assist them with monthly financial support at their doorsteps;
assist them not to struggle and slog at work places
assist them by allotting monetary support for their incapability;
assist them to be in the comfort and coziness of their own homes
assist them economically so that their parents can maintain them

assist them not to rush to schools where they have to obey rules;
assist them to live by their own flexibility and adaptability;
assist them by observing and evaluating their helplessness
assist them to live in their own ways,
assist them if they want to cry, laugh, speak, shout, run, crawl assist them to do what they want to do and liberate them;

assist them with your empathy and pragmatism
assist them by understanding their facts and defects,
assist them by evaluating the difficulties of those born handicap
assist them if they are handicapped by fate or disabilities,
assist them with compassion and in relevance to their plight
assist them with a heart of humanity and not mere classification.

Handicaps And People With Disabilities - Assist Them And Liberate Them
Make parents and families responsible - assist them financially to take care of their handicap child.
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