He Or S He! Poem by Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi

He Or S He!

Rating: 5.0

If someone is full of love and constant care,
He wouldn't have given the human the tests,
Tests of various kinds, a few without food,
To check how they stay calm hiding their weep,
With acidic stomachs, torn clothes and top,
Sometimes He shows His only eye wide open,
Torching all greens and makes the beasts thirsty,
Tests not only for the human, even for plants and animals,
After testing He may be sad to cry loud,
Changing elixir into the stormy waves,
When He is in a very bad mood,
He punches the mother earth with all His might,
Our earthly mother suffers not in silence,
but Vomit the lava with regurgitating movement,
The way He plays with the air, water, fire,
And earth may be fun to Him, but not to us,
We are the only species in the whole of universe,
Worship the tormentor, who test us with hard lessons,
Every second of our life, when He is quite and happy,
She provides everything what we need as a mother,
Asks us many times whether we have our meals or not,
Makes us to wear perfect attires for her amusement,
Gives us luxury to plunge and then go back to her lap,
As the kids, Let Her learn the secret of how not to let,
The He out of her to torture and test us day and night.

Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi 02 November 2012

Hans VR, I appreciate you for the love you have upon our Gods! Nice to read your opinions. Thank you.

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Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi 02 November 2012

This poem is about the gender of the Gods, which our small brain can't identify. Have we ever seen any of our parents test their children? How do we have the perception that Gods are testing us, though it is our karma or our bad deeds in particular, that force us to suffer.

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Hans Vr 02 November 2012

Well, Veeraiyah, it is a way of looking at things. There are so many things that we do not understand. I do however feel and believe, that we do get so many blessings from mother earth and mother earth is an integral part of the HE or S HE you mention in your poem. I think the problem arises if we start to blame God for all that goes wrong and take for granted all the blessings. Nature can be cruel, you are right. It may look so unfair. But do we truly understand? The toddler who is playing with matches feels treated unfair when the matches are taken away. No matter how deep he thinks, he will not understand. I think our human brain is too small to understand everything. Quite surely however, an attitude of gratefulness can work real magic in our lives. If a person does not experience pain (like diabetics) , a small wound in the foot becomes big and they lose the foot. Can you imagine what would happen if we could not feel emotional pain? Could your imagine we would be born all the same? Could you imagine all that can be done, has been done and we would live in a perfect world? I think this evolution is still going on, and we are living in very exiting times. There is an exponential increase in kindness going on. We are still on the horizontal looking limb of the curve but once we reach the sharp bent upwards, it will really snowball. We are moving form a world that was harsh, very harsh to a much more comfortalbe world. TV and the media portray it differently but their pupose is not to show us how it is with the world, but to make money through bringing sensationalised stories about the worst things happening in our wolrld.Wow, Veera, my comments are getting way too long. The poem is indeed a storng one and manages to stirr up quite some emotions

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Scotty Dogg 01 November 2012

A strong poem. I gave it a ten!

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