He's Like A Poetry Shite-Hawk Poem by Shaun Cronick

He's Like A Poetry Shite-Hawk

Rating: 5.0

He's like a poetry Shite-Hawk,
With so much time on his hands.
Observing everything 24,7,
Perched above PoemHunter's lands.

Oh he doesn't miss a thing,
A poem, a comment, every detail.
To him all knowledge is power,
Other members he hopes to derail.

He cowardly hides behind aliases,
With so many of them female.
So obvious a fruitcake illness,
Now he's senile old and frail.

And boy oh boy he loves to spam,
Salaciously returns delivering more.
Leaving infinite infantile comments,
His toxic evil I delete and abhor.

Why don't you stop spamming and trolling.
Out of petty, spiteful jealously
Stop impersonating women.
Pretty please with sugar on the top.
And act like a man.

Friday, July 17, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: messages
Shaun Cronick 25 October 2020

Thank you Dominic for your uplifting and most truthful comment. Thanks again and take care.

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Judith Blatherwick 18 July 2020

Love your references to a fruitcake. If only I were a man I would call myself Shaun Cronick. Why? It reflects my chronic desire to write bad poetry. Only read by me.

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Dominic Windram 18 July 2020

Excellent, take no prisoners type of poem Shaun. I think it's really noble of you to expose this deranged fruitcake whoever he, or indeed, she is. It's my great pleasure to provide a toxic 10 for this powerful poem!

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