Her Poem by Jesser Weaver


We are born naked. 
We are crying and screaming. 
People around us are holding us gently.
Trying not to cause us any harm. 
She held me tightly in between her arms. 

As the tear fell down to her cheek.
I found out what love first was....
though I couldn't speak. 
Nine months inside the womb...
proud to say I won the fight. 
My eyes the size of a pea...

I see him no where sight. 
I was born without him....
because I didnt see him....
because I didn't see him....
that means....
I don't need him.
If anything....he needs me.
my heart and my smile.....
There's nothing better....
than being loved unconditionally by a child.

He's still around.....
but I don't even bother. 
Why would I need him now?
Lived most of my life without a father.

I do not blame him....for being the way he is.
he was never loved....when he was a kid. 
I could sit here and wonder all day....
but that's not going to get my bills paid.

The only people we need.....
are the people that love us and care. 
True love doesn't grown on trees....
it's invisible, it's rare. 

So appreciate your mom....
....and tell her you love her....
when you get the chance. 
Tomorrow might be her last song....
or her even her last dance. 

Don't wait for her....
you have to tell her first. 
She is the One person....
that has truly loved me since birth. 
I will love her just as much....
until the day she leaves this sinful earth. 

Jesser Weaver

Jesser Weaver

New Orleans, Louisiana
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