Her Red Flags Poem by Randy McClave

Her Red Flags

She always slept while I did the chores
She gave me a list, when I went to the stores,
Then she came to my house with her clothes and bags
I should have quickly seen all those red flags.

She always yelled or either complained
So, my actions always needed to be explained,
And like my awful ex wives she always screams and nags
I should have first seen all those red flags.

She didn't work or cared about having a job
So, for help she sat and would complain and then sob,
Then when I saw my empty checking account and the high price tags
I should have then noticed all those red flags.

She constantly complained to me about an ex
How one was the devil and the other used her just for sex,
But, for one I noticed her tail still patiently wags
I too should have seen those red flags.

I helped her constantly to make a stand
I fell in love with her heart, she fell in love with my hand,
She came to my house like a princess in rags
I should have read those red flags.

When she told me to tell others that we are only friends
And caring and helping others were all pretends,
Her loving and cherishing me were just lying brags
I should have seen all those red flags.

She would always ridicule and talk about others
She had no compassion for anyone or druthers,
Up ahead I should have quickly noticed those sharp steep crags
I should have also seen those red flags.

When I first looked upon her, I saw a beautiful creature
I wanted to take her quickly by her hand to my preacher,
Now like everyone else I now see her personal problems that sags
I wished like everyone else, I had seen all of her red flags.

I always looked strait and forward and never behind
I guess in ways I was in love, and also color blind,
Now through the mud my feelings and beliefs she drags
I now wish as I pray, that I saw and noticed all those red flags.

Randy L. McClave

Saturday, February 15, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: girlfriend
Sadly, this is based of what recently happened to me.
Pasquale Dimeola 15 February 2020

We have all been there. The beauty of it, as in your poem, you've moved on. Good poem.

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Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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