Herculean Oceans, Lighting The Skies In Velvet Plumes (8) Poem by Captain Cur

Herculean Oceans, Lighting The Skies In Velvet Plumes (8)

Across the coasts in rushing sweeps
Enchanting is that ocean sound
When it combs the sand and scrubs the beach;
The wrestling pebbles might respond
Clattering against the shore
In distinctive flips of smooth round stones,
While the seagulls pluck and pick and blink
Sun is shifting on its fiery seat,
Soft winds whispering in gossipy tones
Whom had seen the most of this world.
All descendants of that primal power
Joined in marriage with mist and cloud
On the dawning of that first solar day,
Consummating love through the virgin night,
In fibrous sheets they roamed and loomed
Lighting the skies in velvet plumes
And wrapped this earth in nature's robe.
Ah! So wild and wide and beautiful!
As the twin lights of sky unfolded;
As winds blew, this shapeless maiden
Took form, a sight no mortal eye beheld,
braided with forests, dells, mountain flowers
And in her hand a frozen wand
Of majestic sapphire blue
And smote it down upon this earth
And to all the oceans gave liquid birth.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: birth,earth,ocean,sea
Kostas Lagos 12 March 2020

I would love to be there when the oceans were born.But your poem serves just fine!

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