Hide And Seek.... Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

Hide And Seek....

Rating: 5.0

Hide And Seek....

our childhood,
the game
of hide and seek
seemed to come from another

hours and hours to play endlessly,
spending many hours behind bales of hay,
every time I come across these huge bales of hay,
come what may, come what may

they look like from another galaxy,
enormous balls upon huge fields
joy and glee I found in declamating your poetry!

© Sylvia Frances Chan - All Rights Reserved
Cozy Weekend in the Netherlands
Saturday 23 July 2020

Saturday, July 25, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: childhood ,galaxy,game,play
they look like from another galaxy,
enormous balls upon huge fields
joy and glee I found in declamating your poetry!

© Sylvia Frances Chan - All Rights Reserved
Cozy Weekend in the Netherlands
Saturday 23 July 2020
Kumarmani Mahakul 25 July 2020

Children like to play hours and hours to play endlessly and they love still hide and seek play. But our galaxy plays it it amazingly and we still cannot notice. In trillions of galaxies and in trillions of universes we see and fell the beauty of such play. God's creation is really amazing! Enormous balls upon huge fields we notice. This poem is excellently penned...10

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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