Higher Oil Prices Charged By Lying Crooks. Poem by Michael Gale

Higher Oil Prices Charged By Lying Crooks.

Eyes do bulge out of sockets at prices at gas pumps...
Rising prices do keep on as intended as they always soars and jumps.

Exscuses are always on the rise...
Shamefully right before the vacation planned timed holiday
continually open our wallet's eyes.

Who to blame? ...
CEO's should be due their long over due shame.

Every time someone way up high...
Makes us all motorist's consumers pay way too much as we buy.

Oil company CEO's and Presidents and oil companies should be forced to pay a much higher tax since they profit so much...
That should be their fine-al handicapped crutch.

If we, at the pump should have to pay...
That should be their unexscused way.

If they have to profit...
We should be able to make them stop it.

Outages-to this i say Bull and false rumored malarkey! ...
Let's get this oil company high priced sharkey.

You can't tell me that prices do not soar right before a holiday
vacational planned of a well traveled disdain...
Really meant to give our wallet a well worsened pricey gouge
in rising consumer's travelling pain.

They monetarily gain...
While we stay imobile and walletably strain by the raised prices remain.

Maybe we'll all go out and buy motorcycles or mopeds to save at the pump...
Then we'll at last, have the upper hand as we make the oil companies
complain and orally be a sad sorry grump.

Then, we will win...
For that ungodly, over charged gas priciest sin.

Michael Gale

Michael Gale

Chicago Illinois/Oklahoma City.
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