Himalaya Glacier Burst- Defeated Lies Their Strength And Courage Poem by Bernedita Rosinha Pinto

Himalaya Glacier Burst- Defeated Lies Their Strength And Courage

Defeated lies their strength
defeated lies their courage
defeated lies their tears
defeated lies their hopes;
mother nature's fury
mother nature's callousness
mother nature's own pathway
mother nature's own decision
mother nature's own helplessness;
in the embrace of grief
in the embrace of disbelief
in the embrace of despair
in the embrace of anguish;
how could man run and hide
how could a glacier stop its route
how could reality subside the truth
how could peril warn the valley
how could safety caution the people
how could mountains avoid the tragedy?
No hope more painful than dread
no anxiety more agonizing than death
no tears more choking than distress
no agony more hurting than drowning
no suffering more painful than getting crushed.
O' Mountain valley of Raini,
O' Mighty Mountains of the Himalayas
how could you not save your people
how could you let a glacier come crushing down on them
how could you ignore those hardworking hearts
how could you overlook their simplicity
how could you let them perish so pitilessly
when in your arms they have been born and bred
and now defeated lies their strength and courage.

(Story Line: So far- Rescuers have pulled out seven bodies from a tunnel while at least 125 people are still missing or 'feared dead' as a sudden flood inundated a power project at Reni village in the Joshimath area of Uttarakhand's Chamoli district on Sunday. The flood in the Alaknanda river system and a massive avalanche was triggered by a glacier burst, the ITBP, which is engaged in rescue and relief operations there, said.)

Himalaya Glacier Burst- Defeated Lies Their Strength And Courage
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