Home Poem by Maya Hanson


Rating: 4.7

I almost panic when I look
in the distance, black clouds loom
But I'm on my way now
and I'm fighting against my doom

My heart matches the beat of the drums
My cheeks flushed from running alone
My feet slap the warm pavement
as I run towards

The place I call home
where I want you to stay
It's hidden here
from the chaos, the fray

My heart matches the beat of the drums
My cheeks flushed from running alone
My feet slap the warm pavement
as I run towards

All my dreams, my memories
from living here before
The silence matched the loneliness
a complement to its bitter core

My heart matches the beat of the drums
My cheeks flushed from running alone
My feet slap the warm pavement
as I run towards

But now I approach it
with a bravery that isn't like me
While remembering the failures
and who I used to be

My heart matches the beat of the drums
My cheeks flushed from running alone
My feet slap the warm pavement
as I run towards

Holding you like I never have
breathing your sweet scent
I climb the hills, I think I can
so begins my sweet descent

My heart beats like this again
My cheeks flushed, no longer alone
My feet slap the warm pavement
as I carry you

Monday, July 8, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: home,life,love
Dr Antony Theodore 12 December 2015

Holding you like I never have breathing your sweet scent I climb the hills, I think I can so begins my sweet descent. i carry you home. so nice a poem. filled with lofty thoughts. t hank you very much. tony

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Kelly Kurt 29 March 2015

I enjoyed this poem. Thanks for sharing.

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Khairul Ahsan 24 July 2013

A nice end to a running story.

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Adeline Foster 15 July 2013

Good thoughts in this one. Read mine - Home Is - Adeline

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