How Do You Know? By Darien Poem by Darien Trask

How Do You Know? By Darien

When your text came in
My eyes brightened up
Like a diamond in a crowd of pearls
You had me mesmerized
Was it your looks?
Was it your personality?
Oh, hell yeah
Everything you've embodied I adored
From your smile
To your love for food
You were everything I could dream of
I know
This sounds like a high school love story
When you lay eyes on your first love
But this felt real
My emotions couldn't be felt nor mimicked
It was all REAL!
At least that's what I thought in my eyes
Even though I had a few thoughts
"Do they really like me? "
"Am I getting played like a fool? "
But guess what?
I didn't care
I wouldn't say I was in love
But I damn sure was near
The way your tone melted my heart over the phone
Oh, how I loved that feeling?
The way you gave me nicknames
I admit I always said crazy things sometimes
I'm human
I'm not perfect
But you didn't care
You didn't see me as what everyone stated about me
You knew people could fabricate
And make up fairytales
Because to be honest
Some people just don't want to see others happy
You saw me for me
You told me you liked me because of my demeanor
I guess being a bitch really attracts some people
No matter how hard you act uninterested
People would still be attracted to me
Including you
I really wonder if this is real or not
It really feels like God sent you
But how do you truly know God sent a specific someone into your life?
I mean,
The devil could of sent you
And dressed you up as an angel
God is stronger though
And He knows me in and out
I hope I'm not being played like a Mario game
But I'll just sit back
And enjoy this time for now
With your smooth voice in my ear
Telling me
"The way you laugh sends butterflies through my stomach to my heart, ol you crazy you"

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