How They See The World Poem by Jim Yerman

How They See The World

Rating: 5.0

He marvels at her child-like innocence that, not once, in their 33 years together has waned…he loves how she is impulsive, spontaneous…so easily delighted… while he's a little more restrained.

When they share a sunrise or sunset…she can't control her excitement…as if the sun, off her soul, is reflecting…he's a little more reserved…as if the sun's beams he's collecting.

When they hear birds welcoming in the morning as sun replaces moon…she happily sings along while he, quietly smiling, listens to the tune.

When sorrow enters their life…when faced with sadness or dismay…he's amazed at how easily she can cry…she at how gently he wipes her tears away.

When he's asked…what is their secret…how has their bond lasted so long…how have they persevered for 33 years…what's made their love so strong.

He says, "the answer is in how differently we see the world as together we travel through it…not necessarily in what we're seeing…but more in how we view it".

"When you discover beauty in the world, " he says, "at whatever beauty you happen to be glancing…if you share the different ways you see it…that beauty you're enhancing."

We've been blessed to enhance each other's beauty
by the different ways we see…
as she sees all the artistry within the world
and I see its poetry."

Dr Dillip K Swain 18 June 2021

I see its poetry.... beauty lies in the beholder's eyes... great!

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