I Am A Man Of My Word Poem by Raj Dronamraju

I Am A Man Of My Word

Rating: 5.0

Under shadow broken up by illuminated shards of dark dedication
I am a man of my word - Serious, humorless, casually obsessed
Tiptoeing past Darwin's grim realization
And plant a posthumous marker on those who couldn't heed a warning

Although coincidence was accepted as an explanation
I cautioned you by being present
Gifting the scene with exterior photography menace
Representing where storms break even

Across the street, vantage point subliminal worries
I am there even though it doesn't register at that precise moment
From behind a tree or on a park bench
Let's not make this terrible but this time I am prepared to be terrible

When they suggested to just act, don't think
It was counsel reflexively rejected
Instead, it's back to sweating over snubs and negative visual self-predictions
Compulsive over rehearsal of pre-planned dialogues

My word is my bond and my bond is not in keeping with decadent turbulent times
I hope you're scared for you embody the guilt of your gender
Obsequious politeness washed off leaving something hard and tight
When it snaps, you'll be hit by the flying pieces

Saturday, October 14, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: violence
Kumarmani Mahakul 14 October 2017

Representing where storms break even you remain in patience and peace. No one likes violence in this world. We all expect for peace only. This is a brilliant poem shared here. Amazing sharing is done.10

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