I Am Not Like This Poem by Anil Kumar Panda

I Am Not Like This

Rating: 5.0

You must be thinking that
I am sad. I have a sullen face.
I do not laugh and my heart
Is not light. I am not like that.

I have gone through many
Bright moments. I have laughed
Till I felt choked. I have heart
As light as the feather of a sparrow.

I have not sad now. I am silent.
Silently watching different
Types of game people are playing.
How they change before you
Utter ah!

I am not taking part directly.
I have lost my interest in me.
I no more play games to survive.
I don't feel sad and sorrow.

You can say I am dead
But I am not
I have a heart like you
It feels the pain you go through
It beats fast in joy when you are happy

I just keep my lips pressed together
And that is the magic
I live this life as an observer

Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Carl Roussell 18 July 2019

I think most poets/writers live in part the observers role - an excellent poem, and a 10

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Anil Kumar Panda 20 July 2019

Your comment and rating have been great inspiration for me Sir. My regards.

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Pallab Chaudhury 17 July 2019

Nice and transparent write.... Thank you for the poem being shared... pc

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Anil Kumar Panda 20 July 2019

Feeling good getting such a sweet comment Sir. Thanks.

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