I Fail To Understand What God Was Thinking Poem by Richard Lackman

I Fail To Understand What God Was Thinking

Rating: 3.0

I am trying hard to understand
Why God placed us here in such a state
Still I am afraid to reprimand
Him who put me here and tempt my fate

Considering how complex humans are
And how much work it took to get us here
Evolution surely has come far
And yet mortality is always near

I fail to understand what God was thinking
When He made our lives so transient
Did He hope that each of us was linking
To some cosmic heavenly event

How could He commit so great an error
And overrate our sensitivities
Should we all now look up at Him with terror
Or just accept our poor proclivities

Despite my real attempts at introspection
I'll never know just what He had in mind
And so I daily ply the intersection
Of infinity and earthly time

Joseph Anderson 12 June 2012

When you figure it out, get back with me. Deep probing intropection in a well packaged, flowing style. In my opinion worth a 10

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Latisha Barker 06 May 2012

I truly understand these words and often think similar thoughts. Beautiful poem!

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Melissa Carey 10 April 2012

So well written, just stunning. God has most certainly blessed you with many, many talents! You need to publish a book of poetry.

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Valerie Dohren 14 March 2012

An excellent write again Dick. Your poems always flow and rhyme so well. Good work. (I don't know what God was thinking either, but then I am not a believer anyway) .

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