I Have A Seat In The Abandoned Theater Poem by Mahmoud Darwish

I Have A Seat In The Abandoned Theater

Rating: 4.7

I have a seat in the abandoned theater
in Beirut. I might forget, and I might recall
the final act without longing... not because of anything
other than that the play was not written
as in the war days of those in despair, and an autobiography
of the spectators' impulse. The actors were tearing up their scripts
and searching for the author among us, we the witnesses
sitting in our seats
I tell my neighbor the artist: Don't draw your weapon,
and wait, unless you're the author!
Then he asks me: And you are you the author?
So we sit scared. I say: Be a neutral
hero to escape from an obvious fate
He says: No hero dies revered in the second
scene. I will wait for the rest. Maybe I would
revise one of the acts. And maybe I would mend
what the iron has done to my brothers
So I say: It is you then?
He responds: You and I are two masked authors and two masked
I say: How is this my concern? I'm a spectator
He says: No spectators at chasm's door... and no
one is neutral here. And you must choose
your part in the end
So I say: I'm missing the beginning, what's the beginning?

Sylvia Frances Chan 21 April 2019

Like Edward here below I say too MY CONCERN IS FROM THE START TILL THE END. Please, do not revise on none acts. Thank YOU. A most deserving MODERN POEM OF THE DAY, since this is a posthume TITLE. My highest appreciations for the late poet. God will punish the robbers of someone's else land/ country. A most valuable prize for EASTER-Days. CONGRATULATIONS to the family of the late poet. God's Great Blessings.

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Bernard F. Asuncion 21 April 2019

One of the best poems by Mahmoud Darwish.......

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Edward Kofi Louis 21 April 2019

My concern! ! ! ! From the beginning to the end. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Ratnakar Mandlik 21 April 2019

Two masked authors and two masked witnesses. Congrats on modern poem of the day that is well deserved.

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