I Knew A Girl Called Poem... Poem by Denis Martindale

I Knew A Girl Called Poem...

Poor girl, she had one claim to fame. Her Dad loved poetry
And he chose Poem as her name. Yes, Stan's a poet, see?
And not adverse to share his love. Entitled to his whim.
He thought that Poem was enough. Yes, quite enough for him.
But Poem wasn't quite so glad since she was teased at school.
When she came home she slapped her Dad and called her Mum a fool.
And Hercules her dog bit her and Morris the Mynah laughed
And Bubbles the Babysitter thought everyone was daft.
When Poem changed her name, at last, she didn't give a damn.
Samantha thought her problems past, but some folks called her Sam.
Some people thought she was a guy when her name was first heard.
Samantha gave it one more try, so Sheila's now preferred.
So, parents, this is my advice: Be careful what you do.
For pity sake, take time, think twice. Or else some names you'll rue.

Denis Martindale April 2020.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: girl,name,parents,poem,poet,school
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