I'm A Loser Poem by Francie Lynch

I'm A Loser

Rating: 5.0

I'm a loser.
I'm a loser.
And I'm all that I appear to be.

Of all the votes I have won or have lost,
There's one man I should never have crossed.
He tallied tons more than I did my friends,
I'll not admit that I lose in the end.

I'm a loser.
I'm a loser.
And I'm all that I appear to be.

They say I look and I like a clown.
My skin runs orange when I have my meltdown.
My fears of jail are too real and acute,
Any other man would self-aim and then shoot.

I'm a loser,
And I'm not the president you see.
I'm a loser,
And I'm all that I appear to be.

What I have done is the cause of my fate,
I'm old, and bald, and unstably overweight.
And so it's true pride comes before the fall,
It's also true they won't finish my wall.

I'm a loser.
And I'm not the president you see.
I'm a loser,
And I'm all that I appear to be.

(harmonica fades out)

Monday, November 9, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: music,parody,political humor,trump
Sung to The Beatles tune of the same name.
Lyn Paul 09 November 2020

I generally respect world leaders. Though the fact this man showed no respect for anyone, not even his family. I have found this to be interesting reality TV. The world now needs some major repairs. Great humour Francie. " Heal the world"

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Leeann Azzopardi 09 November 2020

Bravo! This poem should be sent to Mr. Trump, the idiot.

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Deluke Muwanigwa 09 November 2020

Have sympathy for the man. Due diligence should be done before presidents are chosen

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Francie Lynch

Francie Lynch

Monaghan, Ireland
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