I'm Through With Men Poem by Harley White

I'm Through With Men

Rating: 5.0

[Song Lyric]

Once I thought it would be fun to have my pick of men.
Now all I can truly say is that I'm sick of men.
They lie and cheat. They double deal.
They're full of conceit. That's all they feel.

They want you to be there for them—
To cook and clean and care for them—
To even curl your hair for them—
But when you're feeling sad and glum
And need them most of all,
You can be sure that they won't come…
In fact they won't even call.

So before any male decides I'm fair game,
As far as I'm concerned they're all the same—
Very stressful… Far too guessful…
Not heart-warming… Habit-forming…
From now on I'll simply snub any he who wants to play—
Because all men, without exception, rub me the wrong way…

I'm through with men, once again—
Except this time I mean it!
Men are uncouth. They don't tell the truth.
Fortunately, I've seen it.
I used to be so curious about the men I'd see;
But now I'm merely furious… Keep them away from me!

I'm through with men—
Even when… I see a handsome one.
In fact, they're the worst. They put themselves first.
And all they're after is fun.

Once I believed like Cinderella—
That my prince would come.
Now I know there's no such fella.
It must have been delirium!

Men have nothing to recommend them.
You befriend them— what do you get?
Though you attend them and defend them,
You can bet your man will pet
Any flirtatious blonde or brunette!

I'm through with men! I'm not open
To being a grown man's mother!
Men are simply not loyal. Your reputation they'll soil,
By saying one thing and meaning another.

Men no longer can surprise me—
Mesmerize me as before.
Now that I've become a wise me,
I know which sex is inferior!

I'm through with men! For now and then
Masculinity I'll ignore!
For men bring only pain on me.
They're certainly a strain on me.—
Not to mention a drain on me!

So even when I have a yen for a gorgeous specimen
Or swoon over some Parisian,
Please give me oxygen!
Just remind me to count to ten…
And bid him, "Adieu"!
Because I'm through with men! ! !

I'm Through With Men
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: song
Song Lyric from 'Beauty and the Beast'- sung by the Sisters...

See Trilogy excerpts at [ harleywhite.awardspace.com ]

Painting ~ Edgar Degas, La Coiffure (1896)

From: One Two Three a Trilogy - One - "Beauty and the Beast" - my rendering in musical theater - based on versions by Madame de Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot Villleneuve (1740) and Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont (1756)
Michael Walkerjohn 21 July 2020

Aloha Harley and Cheers! I can see Julie Andrews singing this to Van on the big screen! Rather seriously and without a touch of humour! US males... we never overcame carrying a club! So much for evolution! I continue to this daze to question how it is ... IAM thinking that I have really missed the 'boat' on that opportunity... All of the best from this life, to you, and to all of our relations... Michaelw1two

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Harley White 23 July 2020

How wonderful that you envisage this as a musical and can see it sung! I wrote this a long time ago for my musical version of 'Beauty and the Beast', for the sisters who are mean-spirited and jealous of Beauty. It was fun to write...

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Dr Antony Theodore 09 May 2017

But when you're feeling sad and glum And need them most of all, You can be sure that they won't come… In fact they won't even call. I'm through with me A strong theme, most of the experienced women say............ but i have heard men saying about women also something like this.......... i just think..... this is life. loving, cheating , giggling, flirting and then again the same. repeating till we all die. that is life as some philosophers would say. thank you for this poem song. tony

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Harley White 09 May 2017

Of course what you say is true and applies to all relationships that exist on that level. This was written for my version of Beauty and the Beast and is to be sung by the sisters (if you know the classic tale) , who are petty in their feelings and later famously jealous of Beauty, who is pure of heart. I wrote the song as a waltz and had a lot of fun writing it. Thank you for your comment!

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Bill Cantrell 25 January 2017

Wow...funny, I felt the same way about women, but after a while I changed my mind, nice poem

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