I'M Trying To Poem by ESPN CHICK

I'M Trying To

I feel so alone and no one can take away this emptiness inside of me
I feel broken up and torn apart that I don't know if I could stand on my own two feet
The thought of dying is slowly creeping back into my mind
And I try hard to strive and fight away those thoughts
After all I really thought I was stronger than this

But if being strong is crying a zillion tears then I guess I am strong
I'm holding on to this rope even though I'm ready to let go
This pain is piling up a mile high
Trying to break free but everywhere I turn the walls are caving in

I try to scream but the silence is to loud
And I'm trying to have a little faith
All the pain I've been through, all the storms that I have faced
I made it through them all but for some odd reason I'm stuck here
Stuck in more pain, torn apart all over again, and the thoughts just don't go away that easy

I'm trying to pull myself back together and dry the tears away
Because after all I know in the end I will have only me
I know that I'm stronger than this
The pain I know I will forever have

I'm trying not to let anything get the best of me
Because I know things happen for reasons
Even though though the reasons I don't understand
I'll make it through these storms just like I have the last ones
I won't make marks on my arms this time around

That's one thing I've taught myself to fight
No matter how lonely I get, I know I'm fine alone
Being broken up is just a part of me, a part of my life
And what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, I'm trying my best to be the strongest I can be in these storms

June 1,2012

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