I Need A Home Poem by Diane Monte

I Need A Home

Rating: 4.0

I do not know him at all,
Even his name for me is unknown,
His works are mystery sound,
But everyone loves him so much.

One day in my life,
Something happen i can't understand why,
Rains that pour so much in my eyes,
An aching heart, , , a lonely soul.

I need a place,
But not just an ordinary place to live,
An abode,
Where love exists.

I need a home,
Like a heaven up in the sky
A merry heart, , , ,
Like an angel sings their favorite lines, hallelujah! ! ! .

Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: home
Christopher Tye 12 July 2016

Wonderful poem, everybody needs a home and faith in life.

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Diane 11 June 2019

Thank you so much sir.. Sincerely, Diane

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Soul Watcher 09 July 2016

I can see your faith between these words :) I liked this poem and hope for your to get that house that you are living your life dreaming of. Well done Diane

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Diane 11 June 2019

Thank you..Everyone needs a home - a gentle home where love is only the foundation... Sincerely, Diane

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Unwritten Soul 08 July 2016

A warm and beautiful piece from your pen, lovely!

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Diane 11 June 2019

Thank you sir.... Sincerely, Diane

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Gajanan Mishra 06 July 2016

I need a place, I need a home but for whom, that I know not.

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Diane Montemayor 06 July 2016

Dear Sir, A home for everyone, sir...a home is about the faith inside of me. Thank you. Diane

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