I Say I Say I Say Poem by Simon Armitage

I Say I Say I Say

Rating: 4.3

Anyone here had a go at themselves
for a laugh? Anyone opened their wrists
with a blade in the bath? Those in the dark
at the back, listen hard. Those at the front
in the know, those of us who have, hands up,
let's show that inch of lacerated skin
between the forearm and the fist. Let's tell it
like it is: strong drink, a crimson tidemark
round the tub, a yard of lint, white towels
washed a dozen times, still pink. Tough luck.
A passion then for watches, bangles, cuffs.
A likely story: you were lashed by brambles
picking berries from the woods. Come clean, come good,
repeat with me the punch line 'Just like blood'
when those at the back rush forward to say
how a little love goes a long long long way.

Linzi Rogerson 04 January 2005

I think that this poem is brilliant. It really puts in perspective how different people see the world. It makes me think about how many people are suffering in silence? It places many different interpretations in my mind. I think this is my favourite peom by Simon, a truly moving piece.

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K.c. Ford 11 December 2014

A good idea, but expressing a weak and insipid poem, as is the rest of Simon Armitages work. He's fashionable and the best of this barren period, but not one poem will out live his death.

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Tim Cleal 03 December 2017

I've had a rethink. You might be right because poets spread it too thinly One whom i call 'the worst published poet in England has NINE books of his stuff. It could be trimmed down to six or seven average odes

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Tim Cleal 24 October 2017

a poem's long life = quality? Mm! Take Kipling's If. mediocre. isn't it? Ah! but the simple stoic content appeals to many. Not me! it's almost not poetry but should be on the shelf with self help and therapeutic maxims. Bad example? well.. I'd prefer Pearl even should it die unknown

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Liliana ~el 11 December 2013

Whoah This is spectacularly good Very deep, intense, dark in the spotlight... Feels unreal yet I know this is the reality of so many Ends almost like rap Nice flow

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Chinedu Dike 04 February 2022

Well articuated and nicely put together, an insightful piece of poetry....

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Brook Renwick 14 August 2021

Wow. Powerful words!

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Alter Ego 25 July 2021

Attempted suicide is not the least bit funny.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 25 July 2021

Profound poem, marvelously worded, I have enjoyed very much. Congratulations being chosen as The Modern Poem Of The Day.

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Dr Antony Theodore 17 December 2020

A passion then for watches, bangles, cuffs. A likely story: you were lashed by brambles picking berries from the woods. Come clean, come good, A very fine poem. tony

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Simon Armitage

Simon Armitage

Marsden, West Yorkshire
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