I Will Calm Down! Poem by mona martinez

I Will Calm Down!

say as you may,
I DON'T CARE! ! ! ! ! !
are you in my shoes,
I DON'T THINK SO! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
do you know what i been through?
NOT REALLY! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
how you going to tell me to calm down?
i have everything planned! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
you came and took everything! ! ! ! !
my plans for my futher,
my trust i had for you,
everything i thought i had going right.
EVERYTHING and now i'm surposed to calm down,
and you still want me to calm down?
if it wasn't for you i wouldn't be in this mess! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
what did i ever do to deserve this?
nothing! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! and yet i have to pay the price.
don't you think you could of been clear,
than we wouldn't be in this mess! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
so i will calm down, when i get what you promised.
that all i wanted.
for you to stay to your word.
but, HELL NO! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
now you see why i'm pissed,
i got a good enough reason to be.
at you and at the world.
no wonder i don't put my trust into anybody.
yet, i feel like i'm getting pushed away,
do anybody seem to care?
not if it don't concerns them! ! ! !
this world is already MESSED up.
no wonder the people in it are TOO! ! ! ! ! !
I WILL CALM DOWN! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
i will take deep breath........
but, will you still be the same?
cuz if you are,
i can't have this conversation with you.
i need it with somebody who will listen.
i need it with somebody who give a damn! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
i'm tiried of feeling like i'm not important! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
when i know DAMN sure i am! ! ! ! !
so if you got a problem with it.
i don't care! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
i stopped caring way before you did.

Padmapriya Boddapati 10 November 2009

Very good.The first few lines had me thinking of Robert Browing. Please keep it up.

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