I Will Over Come, With Adversity In Full Swing Poem by Ace Of Black Hearts

I Will Over Come, With Adversity In Full Swing

I will overcome.
With adversity in full swing
I will rewrite it all.
Including who I am.
Destroying the victim
Becoming the savior.
There is just no victim here
Never again.

Listen to me a I scream.
My lungs are exploding.
No more mere whispers.
No more falling on deaf ears.
Killing every once of doubt.
Dedication with greatest sensation.
A fabulous celebration.

I will overcome.
With adversity in full swing
I will rewrite it all.
Including who I am.
Destroying the victim
Becoming the savior.
There is just no victim here
Never again.

My soul burns as never before
This is my new heaven
This is my new hell.
And all I want is more.
An undying hunger as the clock strikes eleven
This is no longer my dirty dusty old shell.

I will overcome.
With adversity in full swing
I will rewrite it all.
Including who I am.
Destroying the victim
Becoming the savior.
There is just no victim here
Never again.

I'm no longer a man in hiding
I am a man now confiding
With every secret we go deeper
The mountain is now getting steeper
So I tie my boot
And I ready my rifle to shoot

I will overcome.
With adversity in full swing
I will rewrite it all.
Including who I am.
Destroying the victim
Becoming the savior.
There is just no victim here
Never again.

My dreams are in my sights
My passage with spiritual rites
Bound to nothing and no one
Oh the possibilities that have come
Everyone looks better then the next.
I am attacking another T-Rex.

I will overcome.
With adversity in full swing
I will rewrite it all.
Including who I am.
Destroying the victim
Becoming the savior.
There is just no victim here
Never again.

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