If I Sleep Poem by Piyush Dey

If I Sleep

Rating: 5.0

The night is dark and deep,
The sleep has arrived at the
doorstep with a lantern,
But, i won't sleep.

The dreams may be long and sweet,
the bed may soft and cozy,
But, i won't sleep.

The moon may fall,
The sunshine may call,
But, i won't sleep.

I know, i'm sweating
I know, i'm tired
But, i won't sleep.

The rain is pouring down,
And pokily might the storm
lash and go,
But, i won't sleep.
For if i sleep,
Who will wake me up?

Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Valsa George 02 January 2015

Is it your desire not to miss anything or your feeling that there is none to give you company that you refuse to sleep even when your eyelids droop with the weight of slumber? An interesting poem Piyush!

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Aftab Alam Khursheed 25 December 2014

struggle, awareness with nice message very good

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Piyush Dey 30 July 2014

well, i know sleep is necessary, but this poem is not about how much i sleep or not. this poem has a parallel meaning with life. because in life if we get loose of ourselves even for moment, we will loose ourselves forever. thanks for the remarks.

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But, i won't sleep. For if i sleep, Who will wake me up? nice lines...10 sleep well fortune may tell secrets may be revealed fate shall never be sealed

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Soumita Sarkar 24 June 2014

Ha! .. a kind of poem...where your lonesome heart logs for a company..........

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