Immeasurable Cost Poem by Uriah Hamilton

Immeasurable Cost

In this city of transience,
one can disappear without a trace
and never be discovered again by himself
or noticed missing by a loved one.

You can live decades
in a drunken haze,
almost wait until
you're laid to waste
before you excavate your soul
and dust off your conscience.

I've walked through vacant fields
and down car-rusted streets of despair
feeling like a stranger to myself
but beginning to sense the implications
of a previous life.

I stepped into a restaurant
and gazed into my eyes
through a smoky-tarnished mirror
but I never saw myself clearer
and the need to return
to an ancient place
where I left myself and a love behind.

I've got to peruse my memories
and every vague mental picture
hiding in the corners of the mind
until I find what I'm looking for
and how to redeem this existence.

The days have been rough
and I've been scattered like birds by buckshot;
maybe in the next life, I'll live like pigs
fattened by acorns in the sunlight,
but for now, I'm going to scourer the past
until I reunite with the girl I lost
at too immeasurable a cost
to my personality and psyche.

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