In Despair Poem by Mamta Agarwal

In Despair

What is the world coming to?
Though carrying weapons is taboo
Children are happy totting the gun,
Whether to settle scores or just for fun.

When did innocence get lost and things changed?
It some how seems shocking and strange.
Too much T V, films is the reason
Reason elders for this violence and aggression.

Isn’t there lack of communication?
This has had deeper ramifications.
The young yearn for someone to share
Their confusion, but no one has time to spare.

If you are not there when your child needs you,
You will be the last to know what he brews
When he turns to his peers
To share his angst and fears.

A child is born out of a moment of ecstasy,
It is sad then you become too busy
To teach your child right from wrong,
And make him morally strong

Did you consider the likelihood
Of sacrifices you’ll have to make for parenthood?
And teach him to stand his ground
And not be bullied by any hound.

It is time to figure out
How to bring a turnabout.
In order to sort out this mess
Everyone has to try to impress
That none is above the law.
We have to overcome our flaws,
So our kids do not go astray.
Good sense prevails, I hope and pray.
Its already late
Don’t leave their future to chance and fate.

rajagopal haran 19 December 2007

very good poem Mamta; a poem for parents, a poem for children; enjoyed reading this

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