Mamta Agarwal

Mamta Agarwal Poems

When God sat down to make a woman
He gave her empathy love and compassion,
By the time he finished with her
He had no more left for the man.

Edges of fluffy clouds are tinted pink
As Sun sets and Portulacca folds its lips.
Taking Nature’s cue, I slow down my pace.
Go back home to the rhythm of my breath.

Playing on the flute, gently holding the instrument
Eyes half closed, in a trance or a kind of enchantment.
Oblivious to the presence of all loved ones around
Perhaps in conversation with someone lost, not found.

Just love me from afar,
See how I flourish
Too up, close and personal
I have seen it perish,

Monsoon at peak
I hear a monologue-
Rain speaks…

The sombre glacier breaks
Eons of its icy silence
As a water fall,

Life has no gurantees...
Mind has no boundaries...

Love has no expiry date....

A bird perched on bare tree top, surveys urban scene.
Wind sneaks in through crevices, in winter unseen.
Autumn leaf aboard the breeze, how with ease it falls.

At 15, taking a stroll with my mother
On a cool summer night after dinner,
Ma, one question always nags my mind
What is it she softly asked, my child?

Summer at peak;
a young man
in a white singlet.

Times were when an auto rickshaw
Drove over my dainty toes
I said ouch, there was a momentary pain;
Shouted and moved to the next lane.

Child, its late, are you awake?
Ill pull up quilt and just fake.
He would walk away saying no hurry.
It’s bright and sunny but not to worry.

Step aside,
Kings and princes-
Hamlet, Lear and Othello,
Fictional tragic heroes,

Kicking a small piece of broken earthen pot,
While playing on the roadside, hop scotch.
Or dribbling a ball and throwing it at a team mate.
Screaming as I fell, skidding on the roller skates.

Basket of lemons
At my door... ironical,
Who knew had sore throat...

While tending to the garden one balmy November,
Helping my mother wash the leaves of the dust,
And gently cut off the dead branches and flowers,
Spraying the ones still seeming bright and robust…

Yes, we are estranged,
But now I have no complaints.

You want to make amends

Mamta Agarwal Biography

I have done my masters in English Literature.Subsequently taught at the undergraduate level for a few years. later joined a publishing house and worked as an editor for a few years. for the last 20 years have been working as a free lance writer.i write on variety of subjects.they range from mundane to spiritual, nature, modern life, society, God and holistic living.i enjoy reading, writing.travelling, watching movies, meeting people, cooking., gardening and listening to music. I am a journalist for the last 25 years and I have published articles and poems in magazines and in two anthologies 'Now and Here - Contemporary Poetry of Delhi' and 'Poet's International Anthology 2007')

The Best Poem Of Mamta Agarwal

! ! ! ! Celebrating Women's Day! ! ! ! !

When God sat down to make a woman
He gave her empathy love and compassion,
By the time he finished with her
He had no more left for the man.

He gave her the ability to be a mother
And nurture and take care of others.
Slowly, on reflecting, it dawned on her
She was being treated like a piece of furniture.

At first she resigned to her fate
Bore the indifference of her progeny and mate.
Slowly she realised she didn’t have to be a victim,
And didn’t have to be at the mercy or everyone’s whims.

She knew it was not going to be an easy battle to be won,
Yet she took on everyone.
She began to firmly express her views
And waited to get her due.

At first it didn’t go down well with anyone,
They wondered if she had been possessed by a demon.
Men were not amused,
In fact they were confused.

We give her food, clothes and roof over her head,
But the woman had empowered herself to earn her own bread,
Car, house and thus managed to redeem,
With her hard work her self esteem.

She had made a tough choice,
And finally had a voice
Men tried very hard to keep her in her place
And made sure she got no space.

They were not at par,
This is a question I have to ask the Lord.
So there was a war,
Did man pay a ransom to God?

No matter what a woman achieves,
She rarely receives
The acknowledgement which she deserves.
Yet she is able to preserve

Her sanity and peace.
And learn to live with dis-ease,
Then her inner voice whispered to her,
Don’t resign just pamper

His ego, and give him the credit
For all the merit.
Watch how his chest swells with pride
And he might be on your side.

Men actually never grow up,
So from time to time pump
Them up with a hug and a fancy meal.
It will make them feel

Like a king while you smile.
It’s not all that difficult to use a little guile.
Silly women you haven’t gone about it the right way,
Use your soft, cunning, clever, gentle voice and say

I am so proud to be wearing this wedding band.
Chances are he will be eating out of your hand.
You only stand to gain
Even if you feign.

So go ahead and do your own thing,
Let him feel you owe him your sense of well being.
Women’s liberation never went down well with men
So don’t chant what women want while you are in your den
While you laze around sipping your wine
Don’t be surprised if he sheepishly asks, ‘will you like to go out to dine? '

God you made us smart
Right from the start.
It took us a long time to realise
And become cool, calm and wise,
To use enlightened manipulation
With a subtle passion
While having our own way
So that he may
Feel we were just following his command,
And there was no reason to feel alarmed.

If he says he wants to bond with his male friends,
Smile and say go I have lots of errands
There is no point to sulk and wait,
Till he returns and opens the gate.

Use this time to make sure
You have a good time even if you just go for a pedicure.
Indulge in your famous past times
While sipping soda and lime.

Chances are when you have both had your space,
You won’t have to face
Cold vibes and bad temper,
This will only hamper

You from a good night sleep,
While you helplessly weep
While he sleeps and snores by your side,
And you swallow your pride.

Women love yourselves, and put youselves first
But please you must
Not voice it at all
This way I promise you will have a ball.

Mamta Agarwal Comments

Rema Prasanna 31 July 2008

Mamta di, a fine poet, a reformer from heart, her poems stand apart on a fine element.... she is a specialist in her own realm where she writes for a cause and her writes are insightful Rema

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June Feir-Cruz 12 September 2008

Mamta, Finally, I found your One Night Stand. When you wrote me a comment - I misunderstood. I didn't realize you were referring to my poem The Morning After as similar to this piece. Yours is a beautiful and I'm flattered that you even think it's similar to mine. Bless your heart for saying that :)

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Kartikeya Sharma 23 September 2008

&making memories is good juicy and adventurous

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Sarwar Chowdhury 24 September 2008

I always come to read poems of this poet with much zeal. Because her style of expressions, look through deep inner, beautifull illustrations, and truth-bound travel I like. Her openness to art and beauty is praiseworthy indeed. Long live Mamtajee!

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Lynda Robson 04 February 2009

I am so glad I looked at Mamta's fine poetry, she looks at life and surroundings and transforms everything into wonderful prose, take a look and be impressed, Thank you Mamta

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Rajnish Manga 27 June 2018

I am greatly impressed by the comments of fellow poets about the poetry of Mamta Agarwal. I have read a couple of poems written by her including 'Celebrating Women's Day' and felt the intensity of her expression along with her social commitment. Her profile as a freelance writer is again very inspiring. I hope she is fine and starts posting her poems again (after a gap of more than six years now) .

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Valsa George 18 July 2012

Mamta Agarwal is indeed a poet of envious stature! A prolific writer with buoyant spirits, looking at Nature and life with the curiosity of a child and the introspection of a sage, her poems - a treat to the senses and sensibility! !

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Anthony Despain 14 July 2012

Ms Agarwal's poem Controlling Anger Before It Controls You was exactly what I was looking for: something to remind me everyday and remain in the back of mind when a situation arises.

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Vaibhav Pandey 09 April 2009

A brilliant poetess who can write every form of poetry with ease. Read her work and you'll never get disappointed.

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premji premji 07 March 2009


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