In Rainy Season Poem by AFFAQ NABI

In Rainy Season

Rating: 3.1

In the rainy season you seem to be more
Appealing, sober, and sweet, and when

The yummy drops glow your brown skin.
With the celestial syrup and happy winds

Don't miss a moment to spray roses scent.
To your lily rind, and fairly rays rush in to warm

Your fragrant face in a randy way, from far
I cry and cry to hold you up in my hands.

And long to drink all of your
murmur puffs.

In Rainy Season
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
Dr Antony Theodore 03 April 2020

They daintly spray rose's scent over your lily rind. And fairy rays warm your fragrant face into randy way, From far i cry i cry to hold you up In my hands. And long to drink all your fairest murmur puffs. simply very very poetic and with a wonderful Graphic. thank you dear poet. tony

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Rajnish Manga 27 April 2019

The poem creates some of the most exotic images of a romantic interaction in the rainy season. Thanks a lot.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 02 February 2019

A lovely poem on love and life. Beautifully written.

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AFFAQ NABI 17 March 2019

Greetings for reading and liking it.... My sweet wishes to you...

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Aniruddha Pathak 30 January 2019

And happy winds don't miss a moment, They daintly spray rose's scent over your lily rind. And a matching illustartion to go with it, lovely.

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AFFAQ NABI 17 March 2019

Thank you Sir.... I'm sending you my warm regards..... Have you joyful weekend.....

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Aniruddha Pathak 30 January 2019

And happy winds don't miss a moment, They daintly spray rose's scent over your lily rind. And a lovely illustration to go with these lines. Beautiful

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