In The Arms Of Each Other Poem by Kewayne Wadley

In The Arms Of Each Other

What I am trying to say is that
Everything else can wait.
Give beauty a chance to flourish,
A budding seed split between you and I,
Planted still in undeniable
Watching your eyes wake after a deep sleep;
Laying beside you watching your chest rise then slowly lower
Exchanging your breath for mine. Comprising who we once were, into two totally different people we never knew existed.
Pieces of me given to you and vice versa, the transfer of beating hearts echoing through still sheets.
Lifted through the self conscious thought of being aware,
This enticing sensation of
laying beside each other, hands entwined against the thought of being fulfilled. Though awake,
Bodies lay in rest, searching for one another, this fear of being lost. The constant Roaming in our sleep, the patting of empty spaces beside us.
A subspace that ventures forth as dreaming in parallel.
The inevitable change of being next to someone you truly love.
Realizing that there is something much bigger than yourself.
The world starts to fade, each revolution diminishes a bit.
No longer caring to be seen.
Slowly starting to figure that I am not as selfish as I thought.
Placing myself within your reach,
Looking to feel your hand reach for me.
Realizing that
Everything outside of this perfect moment between you and I can wait.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: for her,love,sleep
Kewayne Wadley

Kewayne Wadley

Groton, Connecticutt
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