In The Middle Of A Dream Poem by Jim Yerman

In The Middle Of A Dream

I've always been in awe of our ability to wonder…
to question to be amazed by the world we're living in…
I've often gazed out at all the beauty surrounding me
and wondered…where did this all begin?

Is everything I see, hear, taste, touch and smell as real as it seems
or have I been living all these years in the middle of a dream?

Last night I awoke from the middle of a sweet and beautiful dream.
Since it was fuzzy I'm not sure in the dream where I was…or when.
but I remember wishing before I fell back asleep
that I'd find my way back to that dream again.

When I woke up in the morning however I was unhappily aware
not only did I not reconnect with that sweet dream
but…in my mind…I couldn't find it anywhere.

Gone were any details of that dream…as if my mind had hit DELETE
I was only left with the feeling of how that dream was beautiful and sweet.

And I thought perhaps that is how we're supposed to travel though life…
Making sweet and beautiful moments with everyone we meet…
So when we're gone they might not remember all the details…
but they'll we were beautiful and sweet.

It's a wonderful way to begin my day…
It's a way of keeping life as beautiful as it seems
Whether I am actually living here and now on this planet Earth…
in the middle of a dream.

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