In The Rain Poem by Randy McClave

In The Rain

World War1 and I was there
Along with God and my brothers with a prayer,
Respect and honor was ours to gain
While we all stood in the pouring rain.

Nervously we arrived upon the distant shore
There we then heard the big cannons roar,
Being a farmer, and not for soldiering I did train
Now with my weapons, I stood in the menacing rain.

In France for my country I patriotically fought
Freedom for others I fiercely sought,
American I am, in this great campaign
We all fought the Germans, in the howling rain.

Rocks and blood lied underneath our feet
As we all struggled through the mud and the peat,
I then saw and heard my brothers all being slain
Bravely we fought in both the trenches, and the raging rain.

Just out of school to the Great War we proudly went
With praise and with honor to France we all were sent,
Now I'm covered with both mud and pain
For my country, I then died in the murky rain.

One hundred years ago in a rat filled trench I died
For my brothers and myself our family and country cried,
Pridefully our great sacrifice was not in vain
Now, on our monuments again comes the drizzling rain.

Our president arrived with no remorse or regret
He didn't visit, so not to get his suit or hair wet,
American soldiers here in France have lain
Now our president won't visit us, because of the sprinkling rain.

Randy L. McClave

Sunday, November 11, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: veterans
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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