Inspired By An N + 1 Spring Issue Poem by Gayathri Seetharam

Inspired By An N + 1 Spring Issue

Inspired by an n + 1 Spring issue
-Gayathri B. Seetharam
It is decided that Hillary Clinton
Is the chosen artillery of the fire power
Of the democrats in the coming US Elections in 2016
As Donald Trump, as the republicans, most of them, leastways agree
Is the herald of a new day in US politics;

But Bernie Sanders is not a quitter
And the editors of the digital magazine of n + 1
Do agree that he does have the power of a hitter
With his leftist views and previous anti-war views;

Then there is the essay about the deceased Judge Scalia's professional mark by George Blaustein
And the essay says that Scalia's antipathy to the Jefferson or the King James Bible
Was key to his variety of originality
And the clearest thing is that it opposes the idea of a "living constitution";

And I beg to differ with Judge Scalia when he
Said that the constitution is not living but dead and is enduring
And I say that the fact that the USA is a country built on the constitution
Laid out by its Founding Fathers
Says that by proof of its continued existence, the constitution is in an abstract way, a living soul
Who is certainly sustaining and blessed with immortality, dare the Americans hope;

And I later read that Justice Stephen Breyer
Was a liberal advocate of the "living constitution"
And Scalia believed that 9 historians on the court
Would be better than 9 ethicists
And I add that 9 aesthetists/theists
Would simply do the trick of revealing the truth
But 9 scientists/logicians would get to the bottom of the truth and lay bare the falsehood;

Scalia was a good writer
Since the imagination that originality did not demand
Was funneled into his prose
And his Tory satire and Counter - Reformation Polemic stopped his admirers from being morose;

And the issues of conflict like ethnic cleansing
Begin with the basic difference between neighbourhoods
Says Rebecca Schiff in her short fictional tale
And I term this the Schiff's base for the explanation of the beginning of disputes
Which escalate into full-fledged wars;

There are some other articles and poems that the issue carries
But there are only 24 hours in a day
And a few of which are working hours
And I say, on an introductory note that one of the editors, Nikil Saval, is a younger cousin of my husband's
And is dear to us
As is his brother, Peter Kishore Saval, the professor, not Jane Austen's but Brown University's
And his interest is Shakespearean literature
And for both, life is an adventure and they lead it with an air of mastery
And for me, life is a romance and I embrace it with seduction.

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