Inspired By Charles Dickens In Great Expectations Poem by Gayathri Seetharam

Inspired By Charles Dickens In Great Expectations

Inspired by Charles Dickens in Great Expectations
-Gayathri B. Seetharam
After a fair bit of research,
I chose this beautiful piece of writing by the man,
"I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be."
And thought to myself that this is love from a man;

But I am a woman who has it on the best of authority,
Books that the British man likes to woo women repeatedly
For a refusal makes the prospect of winning her affection all the more special
Alas! To those women who like to be chased
And for men to be madly in love with them,
We live in feminist times and the modern woman
And this is from a 51 year old feminist-feminine woman,
Wish for faithfulness in the said men;

Of course, the age old prophecy comes to life here
And that is that like begets like
And what goes around, comes around,
I can safely say that while I have been faithful to the memories
Of all my boyfriends, I cannot say that I am still besotted with their images;

Dickens in A Christmas Carol has said:
"It is a fair, even-handed, noble adjustment of things, that while there is infection in disease and sorrow, there is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humour."
And in these troubled times of the corona virus pandemic,
We, the fortunate ones, should thank our stars
That we can laugh and enjoy ourselves;

This brings me to a debatable topic which my son loved sometime back
And that is baseball and if I had only picked up the rules
By watching him play, it would have been simply splendid
But I find that baseball movies are fun to watch
And I imagine that this all started with Penny Marshall's A League of Their Own;

Anyways, quoting my son who is a cricket lover now
And watches other sports,
Baseball is not fun anymore
It has only homeruns and catches
And no stolen bases and I shall add
I sort of guess, no running between bases
Or hitting flyballs;

For you, Naveena, wherever you are,
Men don't scratch their balls anymore in baseball
And that is a relief to us female watchers
But then after having watched Cleveland with Charlie Sheen and Wesley Snipes
Where the female owner comes and grabs them by the balls, so to speak,
It takes balls to play baseball.

1. Goodreads
2. Quora

Inspired By Charles Dickens In Great Expectations
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