Is Life Of Man For Money Or Satisfaction? Poem by Ramesh T A

Is Life Of Man For Money Or Satisfaction?

Rating: 5.0

Vision and imagination based on knowledge, thoughts and ideas are essential
For anyone to have a broad ambition to express one's personality, but not
To amass vast wealth at the cost of others life and works in the world sure!

Art of life is successful expression of one's personality to know who one is
And also, to reveal to the world who one is and what's one's mission in the world
By expressing one's Self by the use of talent within one for the well being of all!

Zeal, enthusiasm and interest won't be there for anyone due to lack of ambition
Or inspiration by Nature or from others life and works that captures one's heart
To do something praiseworthy in life to make one's life admirable by all around one!

Many waste time and energy in just making a lot of money to enjoy life at the fag
End of one's life not knowing that it would be only for spending all money for
Curing one's diseases and for medical expenses without any satisfaction at the end!

Life is for living to do what we love for the satisfaction of our Self and for all;
That is the way to know all about the mystery of life before we leave this world...!

Bernard F. Asuncion 11 January 2018

Ramesh, such a good write....10+++

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Ramesh T A 11 January 2018

Thank you for your great support and appreciation of my poems, my friend!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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